#ONLYATWVC The Quest is On!
The Quest is On! In partnership with Boehringer Ingelheim, we invite you to search for ticks!
Our local glass artist Greg LeFrancis has created 96 collectible glass-blown ticks, commemorating our 96th WVC Annual Conference. These limited-edition art pieces will be hidden in various locations throughout the conference, along with a commemorative box and certificate of authenticity.
To find the ticks, you must monitor our social media channels; that is where the locations will be revealed.
Follow us now:
The QUEST is on!
Step 1: Find the Hidden Tick
Monitor our Instagram and Facebook channels to see where we've hidden each of the 96 glass-blown ticks.
Step 2: Post a pic and tag us
Did you find a glass tick? Yay! Tag us on social media using the hashtag: #TheQuestIsOn and let everyone know that the tick in that location has been found.
Step 3: Visit Pawp Up for a treat!
Ready for more? We've got a special treat for you if you show our team that you found a tick. Visit Pawp Up to claim your reward.
Step 4: Display your tick in your clinic / desk area
Proudly display your glass-blown tick at your clinic or office. What happens in Vegas doesn't always stay here!
Need a Hint? 🔎
While we won't show you the exact locations until the WVC Annual Conference kicks off this coming Feb., what we will do is give you a big hint on where they will be hidden...
Boehringer Ingelheim education sessions, activities, and exhibit hall activities might be a good place to start searching! 👀
Meet The Artist
Meet Greg Lefrancis at Exhibit Hall at WVC Central Wednesday, Feb. 21 from 9 AM-1 PM
Owner, Greg LeFrancis has worked with clay from grade school on. Taking a creative art class in high school got him started on creating monsters, dragons, aliens and other unusual creations. He’s worked with both air dry and kiln fired clay and took classes to learn how to throw clay on the wheel from Thom Bumblauskas at Clay Arts Vegas. His current passion is making aliens and other monsters from clay. Wanting to expand on his repertoire and create mixed media creations, he took a flameworking lesson with Robert Shields at Studio Royale in Las Vegas. He liked it so much that he completed the entire series of lessons and graduated with his certificate of completion in 2014.
He continued with his flameworking, learning from videos, webinars, and taking classes from Eli and Josh Mazet, Suellyn Fowler, Kimo, Hugh and John Kabuki to name a few. Wanting to pursue his passion further without interruption, he sold his nine to five business and went to work on establishing LeFrancis Studios. During a trip to Seattle, WA in summer of 2017, he took several glassblowing lessons to experience the art of furnace work. Loving glassblowing as much as clay and flameworking, he took additional lessons while traveling to California to learn different techniques.
General Sessions: Kristen Bell
Presented by Boehringer Ingelheim
Viticus Group and Boehringer Ingelheim are proud to present a WVC keynote lunch with Actress, Philanthropist, Producer Kristen Bell.
CE-Conference Badge and RSVP required..