2024 Results Announcement

Vice President: Congratulations to Dr. Darrow on being elected as the new VP.
Veterinary Directors: A warm welcome to Drs. Miller and O’Dea, our newly elected Veterinary Directors.
Human Medical Director: Celebrating Dr. Bueno's win as the Human Medical Director.


Keynote Lunch:

Kristen Bell

Presented by Boehringer Ingelheim® 

Keynote Lunch featuring Actress, Philanthropist, and Producer Kristen Bell. Must be a registered CE Participant and must RSVP to attend. Lunch will be provided.

KBell_Photo_Credit Ricky Middlesworth

Your Vote Matters Now More Than Ever

As a valued part of the Viticus Group community, your voice plays a pivotal role in guiding the future of our organization.

By voting in our 2024 Board of Directors election, you directly influence the crucial decisions shaping our future WVC meetings, continuing education opportunities, and so much more.

As a member of Viticus Group you are a valued part of our community, and your voice plays a pivotal role in guiding the future of our organization.  By voting in Viticus Group's 2024 Board of Directors' and Officers' election, you directly influence the crucial decisions shaping future Viticus Group meetings, Conferences, continuing education opportunities, and so much more.  

This notice provides important information about your right to vote at the upcoming meeting, which is held during the Annual Conference.  The agenda below lists times voting is open and when results will be announced, identifying the newest Viticus Group Directors and Officers that you helped select by voting.  We want you to help shape the future!  

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Eligibility and Automatic Membership

If you're a Veterinarian, Credentialed Veterinary Technician, or Physician who attended a Viticus Group event from Feb. 22, 2023 through Feb. 20, 2024 - Congratulations!

You are automatically eligible to vote (details coming soon).


How To Vote

Voting will open on Sunday, February 18, 2024 at 1:00p PST and continue through Tuesday, February 20, 2024 at 2:00p PST.

During this time you will receive an email with a link that is unique to you. This link may be used to vote once and cannot be forwarded to others.

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Join Us in This Important Journey

Remember, every vote counts. Your participation is not just a responsibility; it's a powerful way to contribute to the Viticus Group's legacy and future. 

If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Our team is here to support you throughout this election process.

Annual Meeting of Members Agenda:

2/18/24 – 8:30am - Opening Remarks by Chair of the Board 
2/18/24 - 1:00 -Board of Directors and Officer Elections - Voting is open Sun., 2/18/24 - 1:00 pm through Tues., 2/20/24 at 2:00 pm at the Tech Zone on the third floor of Mandalay Bay Convention Center [or via valid email proxy]
2/20-2:00 pm - Meeting Recess: Tues., February 20, 2024 from 2:00, Weds., February 21, 2024 at 9:30 am.
2/21 –  9:31 am - Meeting reconvenes in Mandalay Bay, Palm B, Level 3
2/21 – 9:40 am - Announcement of New Directors and Officers  
2/21 - 9:45 am - Meeting of Members Adjourned



Candidates for Vice-President

Dr. Darrow

Dr. Brian Darrow, DVM

Click picture to read bio

Dr. Thomas N. Tully, Jr., DVM. MS

Click picture to read bio

Candidates for Veterinary Director

Rebecca Ricksecker_Adam Miller headshot current

Dr. Adam Miller, DVM

Click picture to read bio
Rebecca Ricksecker_Dr. Odea headshot 5.15.23

Dr. James O'Dea, DVM

Click picture to read bio

Candidates for Human Medicine Director

Rebecca Ricksecker_DrBueno current headshot

Dr. Racquel Bueno M.D., F.A.C.S.

Click picture to read bio

YOU DECIDED Continuing Educators of the Year

Participants of the 95th WVC Annual Conference were eligible to vote for WVC 2023 Continuing Educators of the Year. The selected speakers were recognized for their skills and contributions to the conference and the veterinary profession. Speakers were selected by indicating the vote for the top presenter in each category when completing in-session surveys.

Categories include:

Avian & Exotics
Food Animal
Practice Management
Small Animal
Veterinary Technician
